Fiona Eltz

I’ve always been drawn to the freedom that comes from trusting intuition over intellect, especially when it comes to horses. Horses exist in the present, attuned to energy in a way few other beings are. When we engage with horses, we create a partnership built entirely on energy and truth. Tapping into our own truth and embodying it fully is what allows us to truly live our lives. The TRH practice provided me with the framework to feel my truth and witness it in real time with the horses. 

Authenticity has a natural gravity—it draws in what’s meant for us and helps us release what no longer serves. Before finding this path, I studied Somatic Bodywork in Berlin and Compassionate Inquiry therapy with Gabor Mate, but still felt something was missing. I spent years talking and guiding myself back to my body, yet something stayed locked. It was during Covid, when I felt a deep urge to reconnect with horses, that I truly started to feel and see my truth. In those quiet moments in nature, without words, I began to reconnect with myself. This journey led me to Cassandra and the TRH mastery program, where I now partner with horses and people to foster this same powerful connection. If you’d like to learn more, you can find me at


Siarra Decomi | Arizona


Christina Svec | Northern California