The Reflective Horse® was founded in 2010 by Cassandra Ogier and has since evolved to provide a range of Equine Guided Empowerment® programs, retreats and experiences across the globe through TRH Mastery Program.
Her inspirational programs combine to support opportunities for deep insight, personal freedom and natural connection to our limitless potential through the portal of horses and nature.
TRH prides itself on pioneering initiatives in creating and providing conscious equine therapeutic programs that honor the spirit of both horse and human. After decades of work experience with horses in numerous roles, we hold all horses' quality of life sacred. By actively creating engaging teachings where our horse allies are free to fully expresses their power and natural sovereignty without fear of subjugation or control, we see a reflection of our own freedom and power, both personally and culturally. Led by Cassandra, TRH Mastery Practitioners are encouraged to honor their own individual exploration of the spiritual freedom of horses and themselves.
Cassandra advises and manages on-site equine interactive services for educational, retreat and treatment centers, as well as providing consulting and program development for impactful equine out-reach programs.
Your questions are welcome, please contact us via email.
Cassandra is a pioneer of equine-guided experiences with free-roaming horses. She is a respected member of the Equine Guided Education & Equine Assisted Therapy communities. Her experience spans over 20 years as a leader in the development of horse-based personal reflection and educational programs. She is a Certified Equine Guided Educator, a Registered Three Principles Practitioner, and a seasoned mentor and guide. She is the creator the modalities, Equine Guided Empowerment®, Somatic Reprogramming® and Somatic Riding®. Her approach to Equine Guided Empowerment® through immersion in the living intelligence of horses and nature, breaks new ground in partnering with horses rooted in the concept of free beings, horses and humans, joining together in partnership to achieve awareness, understanding and insight.
With her early and teenage years finding grounding and confidence with horses and nature, she left school to work with horses in English hunting yards for the Heythrop and Beaufort hunts. Cassandra trained in Stage Management at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, London. She worked in the UK film and theatre industry in Casting for over a decade and later as a designer/maker of fine jewelry. Whilst raising her sons, she returned to horses through an apprenticeship with Roberto Pless, Champion Jockey of El Palio, the famous bareback race of Siena, Italy. She is the Mother of three incredible sons, moving with them from the UK to the US in 2007, and continues to travel and adventure alongside them whenever possible.
Cassandra is a passionate mentor, with the gift of deeply seeing potential in both human and horse, holding space for individuals to rediscover and respond from their true-nature and passion for life. She has a love for inspired partnership and collaboration and program development. Her creation of The Reflective Horse® Mastery, a six month teaching program, expands the reach of Cassandra’s practice, supporting other facilitators in bringing the benefits of her modalities, Equine Guided Empowerment® and Somatic Reprogramming® to their communities. She is a co-founder of SheHerdPower with Beth & Emily Behrs, providing survivors of sexual assault and abuse access to Equine Guided Empowerment® experiences. She created & managed the first on-site Equine Therapy & Somatic Riding® Program in Southern California for youth in residential treatment for substance abuse & mental health challenges. Whilst based in Topanga, California for almost a decade, she provided Equine Guided Empowerment® and Somatic Riding® to a varied demographic of Los Angeles clientele, as well as mentoring some of the next generation of leaders passionate for the freedom of horses and humans.
Cassandra believes that embodied, somatic experiences, provide a portal to the freedom that resides beyond the limits of the conceptual mind. Her nature-based experiences point people in the direction of simplicity and freedom.
'AWA'Y MALIBU Malibu, California
FLAG RANCH A Horse + Human Collaboratory, Paso Robles, California
FINCA VECINOS San Juanillo, Costa Rica
Please visit our Events page for 2024 programs, retreats, TRH Mastery and TRH Practitioner collaborations.