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The Power of Knowing: The Natural Tendency to Love

“The Power of Knowing: The Natural Tendency to Love”

When you are confronted with challenges in your relationships, at work or in life, how do you respond? Do you struggle? Do you get stuck? Do you feel feel overwhelmed with emotions? Do you shut down or withdraw? Do you endlessly think about what to do, without finding an answer?

Please join us in a light-hearted exploration, where you will:

  • Learn what it takes to break free of limited thinking and fear

  • See how change is an invitation to open our minds and hearts to expand with the feeling of connection

  • Learn to go from emotional reactivity to proactive creativity

  • Access the power of a deeper knowing, or wisdom, that will guide you

  • Get out of your head and access feelings of well-being

  • Directly experience the effortlessness of making any decisions

  • Be filled with hope and new possibilities

  • Discover how to live life “ALL IN”, full of passion and love

  • Realize the unlimited, magical power of innate love and wisdom

With: Dicken Bettinger, Cassandra Ogier, Silver Bramham, and Brad Gallup

When: Saturday March 8 & Sunday March 9, 2025, 10am - 3pm both days

Where: On Zoom

Exchange: $222

Registration: Email with questions, or to Register for this event here

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